Deirdre Logue

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I Hate You Deirdre Logue

I Hate You Deirdre is a selection of essays in response to my work Why Always Instead of Just Sometimes. The authors are an astute group of grade 11 and 12 students learning video production from artist Aleesa Cohene at an alternative art school in Toronto in 2006. I include the essays here for their frank and unfettered observations of my work and though harsh at times, much of what is said is quite true and I hold such critique in the highest esteem.

"I found all the pieces to represent her disturbed and depressed state of mind"
"I felt berated by this art. No specific feelings evoked - scrap that - I felt stupified"
- Shane
"I almost enjoyed them."
- Emma
"The prominent emotions that was invoked for me during the videos was discomfort and curiosity"
"The one with the tomate was both very interesting and disturbing"
"I was nervous. Nervous to the point that I was getting mad"
"Sometimes the repeativness got to me"